Aren’t felons released when they are deemed rehabilitated? It seems that we prefer to let felons stay felons, rather than rejoining society.” Steven Gates a ex-felon who started his own business and family, one day was watching TV and his name and photo came up from a murder which Gates had pleaded guilty for accessory after the fact. Gates started losing clients after people watched the show, just because they felt like he was a killer”. We need to stop holding them on their past mistakes and start trying to allow them attempt a return to society instead of making them fell like outsides and ask them to repay a debt to a society from which they are largely excluded in.
People make mistakes; they are human like everyone else and should get a chance to be heard. We all make stupid decision and we are forgiven for them they aren’t bad people they just make bad decision like everyone else, they just had to pay the consequences.”In 2001, Leola Strickland postdated three checks of between $90 and $500, and then for unrelated reasons lost her job as an administrative assistant. By the time she got a new job several years later, the checks had bounced. Strickland exchange pleading guilty to a felony and making good on the checks, allowed to stay out of prison”. Now Strickland can’t vote now because she a felon, just for losing her job and writing a bad check. Second chance should be given to felons that like Strickland that just made a mistake.
Felons are citizens to; most people in prison eventually will get out and rejoin society. Should be retain their right to vote because they are