Horrifying, isn’t it? This procedure is female circumcision, or Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). There are four types. Type 1 is the removal of the clitoris and surrounding tissue. Type 2 is excision of the inner labia and clitoral tissue. Type 3 is the most prevalent in Somalia and the most extreme. Not only is the labia and clitoral tissue cut and removed, the outer lips are sewn shut with only a small hole left for urine and menstrual fluid. Type 4 is everything else; branding, piercing, cutting, stretching, vaginal cutting, etc. Though, most of the world is making great strides to prevent it from happening, it is estimated that over 125 million women between 18 and 49 still had this done to them. In Africa and Asia it is still very prevalent. In Somalia, over 97.8% of women between 15 and 49 have had their genitals cut and sewn.…
Female genital mutilation is the term used for operations or removal of all or just part of the external parts of female genitilia.This practice has for a long time come under increasingly intense international scrutiny from the news media, feminist and human rights organizations. The main reasons for continuation of FGM are firstly, as a rite of passage from girlhood to womanhood; a circumcised woman is considered mature, obedient and aware of her role in the family and society.Secondly, FGM is perpetuated as a means of reducing sexual desire of girls and women, thereby curbing sexual activity before and ensuring fidelity within marriage.…
When Kristoff asked if given compensation equivalent to her FGM sessions, she immediately defended herself that she would stop the practice. Prof. Bertini mentioned that the FGM practice is based on several beliefs biased against women. Thoughts of preserving women’s chastity until and loyalty during marriage rationalize the stitching up of the reproductive organ. Preventing women’s promiscuity is another reason for removing some of the parts of the female anatomy. The practice is heavily embedded in the culture, passed on to succeeding generations; as grandmothers went through FGM, so did the mothers, and the daughters, and potentially their future daughters if no political intervention takes place.…
It has been estimated that approximately 125 million females have undergone female genital cutting. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that young girls will not grow up and have the desire and enjoyment of sex. The term used in the text is to “purify” the women. This procedure is usually done at a very young age. In many religions, genital cutting is the step towards a girl becoming a woman.…
Lack of understanding of female circumcision (in a social context) has led to it’s becoming a subject of much controversy and debate in political, academic and religious fields, mainly by Westerners and Europeans.…
The man who created basketball was Dr. James Naismith. HE was given the task of creating an indoor game for the athletes for the winter in New England. After brainstorming, Naismith came up with the first 13 rules of basketballs ad the game. Basketball was played with a soccer ball, peach baskets, and nine players to a side. The first contest is believed to have been played o December 21,…
As the world becomes globalized, countries are trailing behind their cultures and their identity, for them to be cohesive with the Western ideal. The alteration in clothing style, religious beliefs, family roles are few of the examples of the impacts of which Westernization has had on developing countries. With that said, a medical practice common in developing countries such as Uganda, Sudan and Iraq, is female circumcision (Keilburger, 2013). Often linked this practice to Islamic teachings, it is incorrect as in this religion, merely male circumcision is encouraged, proving the fact that this practice roots to generations of cultural beliefs (Keilburger, 2013). “The communities where FGM is practiced explains Dr. Shaw, place high value on virginity, so the custom is seen as protection for young girls from premarital sex”. (Keilburger, 2013: 1) Adding on, developed nations across the world including Canada do not allow for such treatment to be performed on women as it is believed here to be inhumane and child abuse (Keilburger, 2013). Despite scarce records of such mutilation to occur to Canadian women in secrecy, there are laws preventing physicians, doctors and…
5) Female genital mutilation does not belong because it is the removal of parts of the female genitalia with unwillingness, while the others are forms of expressing one’s self.…
Female genital mutilation is a surgery where young girls genitalia are surgically removed. It is a surgery that is practiced in some cultures and is considered to be ethical although we as Americans are not a part of those cultures and would be considered outsiders. We still have the opinions we want, and its safe to say that it is appropriate to criticize that practice as well as urge cultures that practice it to outlaw genital mutilation. Even if those cultures think that the surgery is completely ethical and moral. We have a basic understanding of what is right and what is wrong. For example we defiantly know that murdering innocent people is wrong. We also know that abusing children physically is wrong. Mutilating a child is also very wrong.…
As claimed in Huffingtonpost 95% of girls undergo genital mutilation in Somalia and it has one of the highest Genital mutilation in the world. Genital mutilation can cause bacterial infections, infertility, and urinary tract infections, the young girls are being cut without any anesthetic. Leyla Hussein a British woman who was from Somalia told her story of how she went through genital mutilation she had spoken on how she was only a young child when she went through the operation. “ I was just seven years old when I was cut. The first thing I heard was my sister screaming. Then it was my turn. Four women held me down while they cut my clitoris. The pain was so intense -- I blacked out.” This young women Leyla was genitally mutilated at only seven years old no child should have to go through that pain especially at seven. Theres also, girls as young as five years old that are being raped and their parents can’t do anything. In Somalia it's considered a crime for you to report your rape. Even after being raped the girls are still ashamed and did not even discuss it they didn’t think of it as an issue. Why should these girls be treated with such little respect there not objects there people. According to Huffington Post a 19 year old Somali woman was arrested for reporting her rape. “ A 19 year old Somali woman was sentenced for a six month jail term Monday for reporting her rape to a…
You can look up the history of the Iranian Woman’s Solidarity group or the dates in which Khomeini was in power. In today’s society, men and women are treaded equal; it is against the US constitution for women to be treated less equal to men. By this event and many other similar events, society as a whole has progressively moved forward by learning from past events. “Association of African women for research and development” was written in 1977 but there are many clues to date when this document was created. The most obvious way to date this document is to look up when the AAWORD was created. Genital mutilation still occurs today in many third world countries and various types of religion. It is not common in the United States or in popular religions. This particular act was ingrained in the African civilization and is so deep rooted the women didn’t realize the negative…
There are many different reasons for women to undergo FGM. The causes of FGM include a mix of cultural, religious, and social factors within the family and the community. In many cultures if a girl is not circumcised she is considered “unclean” and therefore she is unmarriageable. In other cultures and religions they circumcise women to show faithfulness towards her husband, for family honor, cleanliness, protection against spells, and insurance of their virginity. A woman who rebels against a community where circumcision is regularly practiced by not circumcising her daughter may bring danger to her family’s social and economic support system. In West Africa circumcision was performed to treat masturbation, insanity, epilepsy, and hysteria. According to the World Health…
A diverse array of traditional, religious, and cultural customs is practiced cross-culturally throughout the world. Female circumcision, also known as Female genital mutilation, or female genital cutting is a custom that has sparked controversy among many people belonging to other cultures not accustomed to the practice. They have presented the question of whether female circumcision is a practice that should be advocated or even allowed at all. My view is that the notion of basic human rights and gender equality strongly oppose this procedure and even though it may be accepted in many cultures, it should be prevented, especially due to the high health risks it poses for females who undergo this circumcision. Its imposition on children should be eliminated.…
Female Genital Mutilation also known as Female Genital Circumcision/cutting (FGM/C) is the deliberately cutting or removal of female genitals partially or fully for non- medical reasons. This inhuman act is mostly common in African countries and a few Middle East countries. However due to migration, FGM is now been practiced in other countries like: the UK, the USA, Canada, France, Australia etc. In a recent UNICEF publication about FGM, statistics shows that more than 130 million girls and women living in the world today have experienced FGM/C and if nothing is done to eradicate this practice, it is said an additional 65 million girls and women will…
Female Genital Mutilation has been condemned by the United Nations human rights organizations and health professionals worldwide.…