There are three major types of female circumcision that are commonly practiced within Islamic society. These types are: sunnah; clitoridectomy or excision; infibulation or pharaonic circumcision. Sunnah is performed according to the tradition of Mohammed. Religious circles who favor this method of circumcision usually do not give details as to what the act actually entails. Some circles say that is the complete removal of the clitoris and labia minora, whereas others tend to say that it is just the cutting of the kernel-shaped external skin above the genitals (Falk). A cliteridectomy consists of ablation of the clitoris as well as the labia minora. Infibulation involves complete removal of the clitoris, labia minora, and part of the labia majora. Then the two sides of the vulva are sewn together with silk, thorns, or slivers of wood in order to close the vulva, except for a passage of urine and menstrual flow (Falk). Even with minimal excisions, this experience undoubtedly traumatizes the female. "To some extent all excisions involve some degree of irreparable loss. A loss which is unnecessary" (Sanderson 25).
Often, female circumcision is performed without the use of anesthesia and is performed in quite a primitive manner. This act is usually performed by an individual with no medical training, such as a midwife, using crude instruments
Cited: Bradbury, Gerson, Hanson, L 'Hereux, Stephanie. (1996 September). Description, Health Risks, and Medical Facts. In Global Problems [On-line]. 4 paragraphs. Available HTTP: Brownlee, Shannon, and Jennifer Seter. "In the Name of Ritual." U.S. News and World Report 7 Feb 1994: 56-58. Cloudsley, Anne. Women of Omdurman. London: Ethnographica, 1983. 105-125. El Saadawi, Nawal. The Hidden Face of Eve, Women in the Arab World. tr. & ed. Sherif Hetata. London: Zed Press, 1980. 30-44. Falk, Geoffrey. 11 August 1995. Circumcision Information and Resource Pages [On-line]. Available: halt.culture.Internet.Netscape.html Gaudio, Attilio, and Renee Pelletier. Femmes. Paris: Donoel/Gonthier Press, 1980. 52-54. Mire, Soraya. "A Wrongful Rite." Essnece June 1994: 42. Sanderson, Lilisan P. Against Mutilation of Women. London: Ithaca Press, 1981. 25.