
Female Objectification Research

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Female Objectification Research
One in five female students who attend a college or university are either raped or sexually assaulted by a male student (Myers, 2015). The awareness -or lack of- sexual assault needs to be addressed as it is a growing problem in many communities. Sexual assault can be anything from rape, to unwanted sexual attention, or simply, the sexual exploitation of an individual on the internet. The media is one of the biggest supporters for male dominance and female objectification. Rape has unfortunately, become a wide spread problem within school campuses but is ignored by those in power and manipulated in favour of the rapist and against the victim. Sexual harassment can also take place through the internet. Through history’s advances in technology …show more content…
Half naked, sweaty, dominated women are the face of almost every magazine, commercial, or ad. Women are simply used as objects to sell items and gain fans. Instead of being viewed as intellectual human beings, females are used to lure paying customers with their bodies. Alex Bilmes, an editor for a men’s magazine states that the women they use are simply ornamental and objectified. He goes on to compare the services that Esquire, the magazine, provides to be the same as providing “pictures of cool cars.” Men are constantly being bombarded with magazines that promote the objectification of women and in turn, men begin to treat them that way. Men are not only taught to view women as objects but that dominance is a key factor in establishing …show more content…
School administration in university and college campuses continually discount reports of rape, especially concerning accused athletes. In the states, a female student accused a football player of rape, but the school administration did nothing to investigate the accusation. It was a year later until the young women’s rape kit was tested and when it was a match to the football players DNA, no prosecution took place. The man accused of rape was sympathized with while the female received hate mail. The school administration did not conduct a separate investigation into the accusation and allowed the man to play on the football team and attend classes as though nothing had happened. It is said that even though only 4% of college men are student-athletes, they commit about 19% of the sexual assaults. The school stated that their refusal to move forward with the rape accusation was due to the possibility of it being false. However, the possibility of being falsely accused of rape is said to be the same odds as getting attacked by a shark or being struck by

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