Another increasing problem that both woman and male prisons share is the underfunding. The cost for male prisons are like $20,000 yearly per male and this number …show more content…
doubles for woman prisons. These cost are paid by tax payers and really impact the quality of life of inmates. The cost of prisoners includes medical cost, supervision, and food cost.
Prisons also struggle with being unfocused. There are very few officers to prisoners this makes prisons a very dangerous place. Prisons struggle with drugs, rioting, and fights. These issues are effect both the female and male prisoners across the board. Furthermore, have a clear vision and plan for prisons are intricate to developing safe and reliable prison systems. In addition, training for officers and additional budgeting is essential for the making sure that the prisons are safe and run fluent.
Another idea to consider is the special populations that are pretty common in a prison system like dealing with elderly, physically, and mental inmates. These are common issues that are also rising in both male and female prisons. Things to consider with elderly inmates are increased cost due to extra medical care needs, being able to work less making them struggle with additional economic issues, and they may require separate housing from inmates that may try to take advantage of elderly inmates. Also both physical and mental inmates also is a growing issue for prisons because of the extra medical cost and the isolation and psychiatry therapy that also may need to applied to their basic needs while being inmates. Prisons are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of every inmate no matter their religion, race, gender, or creed.
How do these similarities and differences translate into offender needs? Females in the correction system has increased greatly in the last twenty years in America.
The issues that are really effecting female facilities is the increase of girls becoming institutionalized. In addition, the needs, programing, and abuse. One of the biggest pushes has been to hire more female officers. In the past female has dwelt with being raped by male officers and other injustices. There are needs that female inmates need that male inmates don’t. The first thing that must be considered is male prisons are a lot larger and have more programs that female prisons. Women and girls have a higher rate of having mental and medical issues than men and boys. Women also have more emotional issues being in prison such as detachment issues from family and children. In conclusion, there are many similarities and differences concerning the prisons system concerning males and females. Even though there are many similarities there are current differences and future issues that may arise due to the growing projections of inmates in our correctional system. However, the safety of inmates and the overall development of rehabilitation are the key fundamental goals that should be the overall concern for prisons. There are many developments that can be derived from studying the injustices and areas of opportunities concerning our correctional