This report examines the relationship between cigarette smoking among NUC females. The aim of this study is to determine the knowledge and attitude and behavior of female smokers. To reveal the different influences that are paramount in their smoking habits. This report investigates hypotheses regarding women smokers in college. Furthermore, test the Factors that contributed to the tobacco use among women. The findings explain the tremendous difference among the groups. However in light of the health issues of smoking, the students had poor knowledge that suggested that improved tobacco information and knowledge is fundamental to shape the factors that influenced the female smokers participation in tobacco.
The females were from different backgrounds and of a different age groups. This study also relates to four themes factors that influence females to smoke such as stress, peer pressure, weight problems, or siblings who also smoke by using comparative theoretical theories and perspectives.
Smoking has rapidly increased among women students despite, information about the health consequences. It is reasonable to suggest that predictors such as stress, environmental, personal, and peer pressure shares the blame in the battle of smoking among Women. According to National Health Statistics there has been a massive rise in women smokers in the UK (NHS, 1993)
Smoking prevalence rates among women rose gradually following a decade of constancy. The change from school to University contributed to a rise in women smokers. This clearly suggests that college is a time of significant change in smoking behavior. (Brazilian, N and Peterson E 1996)
The study has revealed a social difference in the smoking behavior of a different culture from a culture perspective there were negative feeling about female smokers. For example, their male counterparts viewed smoking as deviance and not very lady- like. However, most of the students still visual