In the wake of the horrific events of World War 2, such as the Holocaust, the United Nations drafted and published the Declaration of Human Rights, fortifying the first step toward universal human rights, attempting to achieve a higher level of discourse and affirmative action to assure atrocities like the Holocaust would …show more content…
Over the last century, the gender equality movement has grown exponentially. Domestic violence, marital rape, and the relative victory of gender equality all display how violence and hostility are on the decline because more people are recognizing and addressing the issues. In the past, domestic violence was largely overlooked. Many people didn’t recognize how deeply wrong violence within the household can be, and too often it was deemed personal business and as a result perpetrators were never held responsible. Fortunately, today we can see that laws have been passed and society has begun to view domestic violence as not only a crime but as an unspeakable act. Similarly, it wasn’t even until 1993 that all 50 states had laws criminalizing marital rape. While on one hand this displays how for many years women were subjected to a lack of basic human rights, it also shows two important steps to gaining full gender equality, especially since our nation as a whole has begun to recognize the immoral injustices that plagued so many for so long. Women’s equality is the best combatant toward hostility and violence against women and …show more content…
With the insurgence of technology and new methods of communication in the last 50 years, everyday people are now far more familiar with foreigners than their grandparents were. Since such a large population has access to the internet, a plethora of information is being shared constantly and transported across the globe. This method of communication creates a wider scope of discourse and public awareness. As we gain this information, our generation becomes more enlightened to cultures, peoples around the world, and the issues that we have yet to solve. This movement of how we can all fit together in a peaceful existence has enabled us to largely avoid large-scale conflict. Also, if having a new sense of knowledge and recognition was not enough, in today’s age our economies rely so heavily on other countries and our alliances are so intertwined, especially with institutions like the UN, NATO, and OPEC, the possibility of any major conflict arising has been significantly