
Feminists In The 19th Century

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Feminists In The 19th Century
Did She Just Say That?: Men’s Fears of Determined Feminists in the 19th and 20th Century
In the 19th and early 2oth century, women in The United States were considered as the inferior gender to men. Men believed women were not intellectually strong enough to keep up with society’s discussions and political disputes. Females during this time period were forced to stay home and be “Mother Women”, rather than freely work or act as they wished (Chopin 16-17). In the mid 19th century women found the courage to speak their mind, and formally address the gender inequality in The United States. The formal debate between men and women was first seen in The Declaration of Sentiments, a formal letter addressing the issues of inequality to men written
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Before the 1830’s, women accepted their role as the independent figure in the house, and as the one who cares for the children. Not until 1848 did brave women decide to speak out against men, where in Seneca Falls, New York a formal convention was held discussing the rights of women. Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, over 200 women gathered to hear the issues regarding inequality. At this convention a document was presented, signed by 68 women and 32 men, that followed the Declaration of Independence’s outline, but instead of looking for freedom, these women (and surprisingly a few men) were looking for equal rights between genders. Stanton wrote “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” (Stanton 1). The same exact sentence as the Declaration, but including “that all men and women are created equal”. These women were fueled by society’s harsh social code, which did not give women the right to …show more content…
Instead of a formal response by men from 1848-1856, they ignored females requests and carried on in society. In 1856, when the New York Legislature was making a statement on women’s rights, the committee took women as a joke and tried to criticize females flaws. The report from that day says, “Male opponents of feminism claimed that the female crusaders were frustrated old maids (many, in fact, were married); that women would be coarsened and defeminized by entering the cutthroat arena of politics; that their husbands (if they were lucky enough to have husbands) would look after their rights, and that women, like black slaves were divinely ordained to be inferior and would be happier in that status” (1). Disrespecting women by calling them “frustrated old maids” did not bother women, but rather only fueled their fire. Men also assumed that women would be happier as the inferiors, which as history shows was not true. Not only did men wrongly assume this, but they considered themselves as the sufferers of dealing with women. Mr. Foote of the Judiciary Committee said, “It has thus appeared to the married gentlemen of your committee, being a majority (the bachelor's being silent for the reason mentioned, and also probably for the further reason that they are still suitors for the favors of the gentler sex), that, if there is any inequality or

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