Feng Shan Ho was born September 10, 1901 in Yiyang in the Hunan Province of China(1). Feng Shan Ho means, "Phoenix on the Mountain."(1) He grew up in a poor family and his dad left when he was seven(1). Growing …show more content…
He also was the ambassador of seven other Middle Eastern countries(1). In 1973 he retired to San Francisco were he spent his extra time writing books like "My Diplomatic Life," which was published in 1990(1). In addition, he was one of the founding members of a Chinese Lutheran Church(1). He also wrote poems to his wife in his later years(1). Sadly, he died September 28, 1997 in San Francisco(1). His daughter brought his ashes back to Yiyang in the Hunan Province, his hometown(2). He was ninety-six years old.
He was not widely known though as when he retired the Chinese Nationalist discredited him(1). However in September 12, 2015 he was awarded with the President's Citation Award from the Taiwanese President(3).
In conclusion, Feng Shan Ho was a savior to thousands people. He gave away visas to Jewish people who wanted to escape concentration camps or death, but yet he was not noticed until he died and he was fine with that. He also gives a great lesson about how you should do what is right for people and friends before you should help yourself. Also, he shows that just because you are told to do something by your boss and you know it is wrong you don't have to follow the orders, as he does this with his boss For these reasons he is one of the great heroes of the