February 15, 2015
The child has been in captivity for the duration of 2 months, she was found in the wildnerness in the company of unknown creatures. It appears that the child has made no advancements in our efforts to civilize her.
Over the duration of the research on the child members of the faculity have played languages common to the area. Upon observation the child does not respond to any of the languages played therefore validating our hypothesis that there has been no exposer to human contact. The child has not been exposed to any human language and therfore is unable to speak or understand even the simplist of terms. It is apparant that the child rejects any form of human contact and often lashes out upon exposure. It is believed that because of the lack of human interaction in early childhood development the child lacks the essencial communication and social skills needed to be civilized. The child does not respond to attempts at communication and appears to reject the environment to which we have provided.
As it appers the child is unable to function within society until it has been exposed to the normalities of human life. The child appears to be animalistic and relys on nothing except for the primitave impulses. A nialistic atmosphere surrounds the child due to the lack of implimented morals and values. There is no evidence of active thought within the child's neurologic function. There is no recollect of purpose or reason behind the actions of the child. It eats, sleeps and performs bodily functions at uncivilized intervals. It is obvious that there is absoloutly no reason behind the actions of the child except for the primative impulses.
Many of my collegues question whether the exposure to the human world will allow the child to recall the human part of their being. However, the child was never exposed to that part of their being and is unable to formulate their thoughts, if there are any, to that instinct. For