*You should not write the report in table format (this is only for illustration). Also, I expect graphs, tables, and math equations in the result section.
Title: Demonstration of Fermentation using Yeast Cells
|Comments |Text |
|Abstract |
|Sections of the report are clearly |This experiment is designed to determine if yeast cells undergo fermentation when placed in a closed |
|labeled. |flask with no oxygen. Glucose and yeast are mixed together in a closed flask and allowed to incubate for|
|No references used in the abstract |about one hour. |
|Usually less than 250 words | |
| |Then, tests are performed to determine if the products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration are present |
|Includes: |in the flasks. The tests detect the presence of carbon dioxide and ethanol. Carbon dioxide should be |
|Background information and purpose of the|present irrespective of the type of respiration taking place, but ethanol is present only if |
|experiment |fermentation has
References: • Karin Knisely. A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology. 2002. Sinauer Associates, Inc. • Anonymous. Previous 181 lab student.