The term ferrocement is most commonly applied to a mixture of Portland cement and sand applied over layers of woven or expanded steel mesh and closely spaced small-diameter steel rods rebar. It can be used to form relatively thin, compound curved sheets to make hulls for boats, shell roofs, water tanks, etc.
Ferro concrete has relatively good strength and resistance to impact. When used in house construction in developing countries, it can provide better resistance to fire, earthquake, and corrosion than traditional materials, such as wood, adobe and stone masonry. It has been popular in developed countries for yacht building because the technique can be learned relatively quickly, allowing people to cut costs by supplying their own labor.
What is ferrocement?
Standard construction cement, usually mixed with plaster sand. The standard cement is reinforced with more steel or fiber at a closer spacing than traditional construction. Reduced spacing yields uniform force dispersion and increases strength.
Are special tools required?
It is necessary to be able to cut steel and rubber gloves are necessary to protect skin from cement. A filter to avoid breathing cement dust is also a good idea. Otherwise, ferrocement is a labor intensive material which does not require pumps, compressors or even a mechanical mixer; cement and sand may be mixed on the ground with shovels. [See Appendix A1.1]
What are the mixing proportions?
The following proportions are dry measure. Three sand to one cement, written as 3:1 (three to one). 2.5:1 is very rich, above 3:1 is less [See Appendix A 1.2]
Why is it called ferrocement if it is standard cement?
Because of the use of much steel rather than much concrete. Ferrocement is sometimes referred to as thin-shell concrete.
It is also called ferrocement because the rich mixture makes it hard, like iron. Fibers such as hemp, jute, flax and cotton can be substituted for steel and sand Fiber spacing is very