The degree of dissonance people experience can vary from a few different factors, including how highly we value a particular belief and the degree to which our beliefs are inconsistent. This effects how much we use Ferstinger’s theory. Cognitive dissonance can occur in many areas of life, but it is most popular in situations where a person’s behavior conflicts with beliefs that are necessary to his or her self-identity. For example, when someone goes on a diet it can be for various reasons. If it is important and the person values the goal they have a less likely chance to make excuesses to “cheat” on the diet. If the person doesn’t value there goals as much their will to continue may be weaker. For instanct making excuesses like, “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’ll be fine”. These excuesses are the definition of cognitive dissonance, by you justifying your actions so you do not feel the guilt of not achieving your set …show more content…
When there is a inconsistency in behavior a person’s life something must change to eliminate the dissonant. The following is away to shorten the dissonant. First the person can change one or more of their behaviors. This can make a relationship between the two and make the irrnational behavior consistent. When one of the dissonant becomes a behavior then the person can change or get rid of a behavior. The second way is to take in information that out weighs the dissonant behavior. Like how you know that smoking can cause cancer but if take in new information that research show that smoking diffenatly causes cancer may reduce the dissonant. The final way to reduce dissonant is to reduce the importance of the cognitions. If the person convences themselves that it does not matter to just live in the moment and not worry about the long-term affect. Though the dissonant theory does not the three methods will work for everyone, only people that are in a state of cognitive dissonant will take steps to reduce the dissonant according to simply