Animal Study: Zebrafish
Since clinical trials are challenging to …show more content…
produce during human fetal development, science has turned to Zebrafish in hopes of understanding what impacts fetal alcohol syndrome has on a fetus.9 Danio rerio or Zebrafish are “small tropical fresh-water fish native to rivers of South Asia.” Science mainly uses these fish due to their ability to go through rapid embryogenesis. This helps in quick discovery of cellular life that closely replicates embryogenesis in a human.10 When Zebrafish are exposed to alcohol of those that survived many experienced swim bladder inflation which is a sign of developmental delay in these fish. There is also a growth delay in Zebrafish that are exposed to alcohol. It was found that during the embryotic stage of development, Zebrafish are at higher risk of abnormality if exposed to alcohol compared to other stages.9
Genetic Mechanisms Genes are being used to figure out what areas of DNA are affected by fetal alcohol syndrome. The idea is that if scientist can find what genes are mutated, they will be able to treat FAS by mediating alcohol’s effects on the body and those specific genes. Various research has been completed to identify areas of a gene that may protect the fetus from alcohol. ADH1B*2 and ADH1B*3 are two subcategories of the ADH1B gene. ADH1B gene is related to the mechanism for encoding alcohol dehydrogenase. Alcohol dehydrogenase is used to “catalyze ethanol to acetaldehyde.”5
Researchers have been working with fetal neural stems cells through a gene type, miRNA, looking at the effects of alcohol on those stem cells.11 Different subtypes of miRNA that were exposed to alcohol were resistant to cell death. On the other hand, when alcohol wasn’t present, the growth of fetal neural stem cells increased. Just like ADH1B gene, interfering with miRNA caused a depletion of the genes function. For example, “ethanol exposure during a period of bracketing the end of the first trimester to the middle of the second trimester resulted in altered miRNA expression.”11
A mouse study was conducted on miRNA to find the effects of alcohol on neural cells of mice.11 The results concluded that miRNA exposure to alcohol causes the same effects as it does on Zebrafish and a fetus; that is, exposure causes damage to the neural cells of mice as well. However, it was concluded that withdrawal from alcohol could also have damaging effects on the cells. Follow up to this conclusion has not yet been established.11
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Genetic material has been known to have a relationship between fetal alcohol syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. During development, acetylcholine is used as a regulator for cell survival and brain development. Alcohol acts as an interferer with cell migration and the ability for molecules to bind to cells. This inhibits acetylcholine to bind to cells during brain development.12Acetylecholine is a neurotransmitter, meaning it carries molecules from one cell to another cell.13 Without acetylcholine, the brain will not receive proper nutrients causing potential cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.12
The most common symptom of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the inability to focus on a task and paying attention.14 It is a brain disorder that affects a person throughout their entire life. The brain disorder causes a child to have difficulties focusing in school and are often put on medications to help lessen the hyperactivity. Delayed maturation has been seen in the cortex of the brain (outer most layer) and is believed to have a relation with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Parents struggle with having children complete chores at home and many children experience social challenges because their attention span is so small.14
A study done by Domellöf and colleagues tested upper extremity movements in children with fetal alcohol syndrome and those without.15 The researchers used three-dimensional kinematic analysis to understand the effects of alcohol on gross motor movement and motor control.
Each participant had trackers on them for each wrist and shoulder as well as their forehead. Fine motor control was tested by using a rod and colored beads. Using a pincer-grip, participants were to place colored beads on a rod using only their right or left hand. A controlled time was set for the experiment in which each child completed the task. The results showed that children with fetal alcohol syndrome had less beads threaded than those without. The trackers showed that wrist, shoulder, and head movement was greater in those with fetal alcohol syndrome, proving that motor development is compromised when a mother consumes
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders has many different subtypes with fetal alcohol syndrome being the most severe.2 Various research has been conducted on zebrafish9 and mice11 to help reinforce that alcohol may have effects on growing embryos. If a woman is sexually active she needs to be aware of the consequences of binge drinking. During the embryogenesis stage of development, the embryo is at the highest risk for developmental delays from consumption of alcohol.9 Treatment of fetal alcohol syndrome is developing, though no specific treatment plan is in tact.2 The central nervous system is one of the most impacted systems if exposed to alcohol. The rapid growth during the third through eighth weeks is when alcohol exposure is most detramental. Throughout development, the central nervous system is constantly emerging. If the ectoderm is damaged during gastrulation, central nervous system disorders may arise.5 Ongoing research continues to prevail as no specific treatment plan has been founded.2