(MIP-1)Feudalism is a political and military system that contributed to the middle ages because everyone had an important role within the community. Feudalism is a military based system in which everyone is benefited. (STEWE-1)Vassals, …show more content…
Serfs are acknowledged a place to live and work. (STEWE-1)All serfs or peasants live on a manor; the serfs get protection and a place to work in return for a little bit of money and respect to their lord (King 28). This exemplifies that all serfs and peasants are placed in a manor. (STEWE-2)Everything serfs need is to be on the manor, like their home and where they work; the serfs get food and a place to live and a job in the manor but are not allowed to leave unless you are a freeman but give all the income or most of it to their lord (King). This shows how everything serfs need are in the manor. In return for the serfs getting a place to live and work this also benefits higher levels of people and give the lord time to train by keeping the manor busy. (STEWE-1)The lord gets his time to train because all the work that he needs done is being done by the serfs within the manor; the serfs give the lord time to train by doing there job because all the work is being done in the manor so in that time that the work is being done the lord is training for the military held by the over lord or feudal lord (Bishop). This informs people how the serfs give back to their lord by just working. (CS)Serfs are benefited because they get a life a place to work and live and also helps and benefits the lords by all the …show more content…
The vassal is established a fief-a piece of land granted by their overlord or king with this comes many trusts and oaths. (STEWE-1)Vassals are granted land by the king; vassals get a fief for their manor, a fief is an estate of land usually governed by the feudal system (King). This tells you what a fief is, also shows that the fief is given in feudalism to vassals. (STEWE-2)The king uses the vassals to help them hold their land; while the kings were unable to hold their land, feudalism took place when the king would hand down the land to the lords, and each lord was responsible for their own protection of the piece of land in the kingdom (King 27). This informs you why vassals and or lords are given all this land. In return for this the vassal or lord pledge their time to be in the military. (STEWE-1)Vassals are also knights who serve in the king’s military; vassal owed his feudal lord his military service (Bishop 2). Vassals are given land to be in the military. (CS)This shows you how the system works while the king is giving up land to his vassal in return for that vassal to serve him in his