Roll No.
Lismary Cyriac
Bijayini Samal
F- 94
Sneha Dugar
Aashima Dhankhar
Smruti Shirke
Chintha Kali Kishore
Explore how personality is used by marketers?
Brand personality can be defined as the set of human characteristics associated with a Brand. A brand is something to which the consumer can relate to and thereby tries to apply the same in his life. This goes a long way in consumer decision making process. On one side we observe certain products which are marketed on basis of their utility while on other side marketers associate brands with personality thereby serving a symbolic or self expressive function. The symbolic use of brand is possible because consumer often imbue brands with human personality traits.
Marketers have been using three personality theories to describe consumers:
1. Freudian theory-which explains about the unconscious needs and drive at the heart of human motivation.
2. Neo-Freudian personality theory-which explains about social relationships being fundamental to the formation and development of personality.
3. Trait theory-which explains the quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits.
One important element of “branding” is establishing visual standards for a brand—colours, logos, treatments. From a consumer point of view brand personality is a way for them to express their personalities and define their lifestyles through material possessions. Brand personality encompasses brand voice and brand characteristics. The human like traits found in brands, help consumers to establish a connection with the brand. Marketers strive to make their brands seem like its consumers own. Brand Personality gives the brand a face. We propose to explain the usage of personality by marketers by studying different brands.
Modern psychology recognizes five dimensions of personality: extroversion,