On July 26, 1953,
he led 200 revolutioaries on an attack at the Moncada army baracks in Santiage de Cuba. His plan worked an his group managed to seize weapons and support from citizens until Batista’s government sent reinforcements and killed most of his followers taking the rest prisoners. After a year Batista granted all political prisoers amnesty and he was released. Then Fidel moved to Cuba where he began forming another army to overthrow the Cuban government. There he met other revolutionaries, and joined forces with Argentinian Che Guevara who was serving as a medical intern at the time. Along with Guevara Castro assembled a group of eighty-two guerrillas, and called the group the 26th of July in memory of his previous attempt to overthrow the government. On December 2, 1956. The group sailed into Cuba but were defeated easily by the Cuban army, most of the members of the 26th of July were killed but Fidel and Che were able to escape into the mountains to hide. Over the ext to years they iitiated a propaganda campaign that helped them to gain public support from the people of Cuba. The on January 1, 1959 his group gained enough strength to force Batista to leave Cuba. This is the way the wars are played always headig for a front headig for a front headi