David Soloman, a very intelligent and respected young man, attended court for reasons in which he can never imagine. Murder was a charge involved in his case, yet he still couldn’t come to think that it ever happened. His family, including his grandparents were, all killed in a home invasion in which the suspects took all the valuable belongings. Upon coming home from school, he noticed loud cries for help coming from his home. He entered his house and was immediately struck on the held with and unknown object causing him to fall and come in and out of consciousness.
He later woke up to see his whole family murdered in cold blood. That’s not even the sad part. As weeks went by he would here from people he knew that he possibly could know who and where the people that committed this crime can be. He was warned that he should take matters in to his own hands, yet he believe that he should be the one to avenge his family. Local authorities urged that he let them sort things out in a lawful manner. However, Soloman didn’t believe in true justice anymore and went about with what he thought needed to be done.
The investigators of crimes such as this one make extreme crimes like these very difficult to get away from. By this I mean that the culprits will have a very hard time getting away from the law. The investigative aspect of this case proved to be a great presence because not only were they able to catch Solomon from doing the unthinkable and ruining his life, but also were also able to figure out each and every suspect and the exact locations. Handguns, blood, and even DNA left on the lifeless body of his mother, whom was raped, were some of the crucial pieces of evidence that were brought to the court room. The home was closed of during the duration of the evidence mainly being because the condition that it was left in made it nearly unlivable for a student.
Another very important piece of the evidence portion was one of the suspects