Their observable and pretested instructional reading and mathematics levels were recorded between 1.5.3 – 3.0 grades. One particular individual that I worked with recorded reading and mathematical skills that were lower than the 1st grade. When ask to demonstrate his reading ability and mathematics skills he was unable to pronounce letters, recognize or define simple words, make inferences or determine context clues. Additionally he reported having recently moved to the United States. He stated that he was unable to complete is education because of family obligations, substance abuse issues and lack of financial …show more content…
It is vital for adults with poor literacy be given the tools needed to prepare them for a digital society. In fact, incorporating 21st century skills in daily learning can improve reading literacy as well as technology skills. The implication for practice calls for educators employed at agencies that provide adult basic education classes to become tech savvy themselves in order to deliver technology ready lessons. These lessons should use a variety of technology that includes PowerPoint presentation, videos as well as computers and tablets. From a clinical standpoint the intervention is related to a change in the target