Systems Thinking
Personal Mastery
Mental Models
Building Shared Vision
Team Learning Ch2: Does your team have a Learning Disability?
The seven learning disabilities of an organization
I am my position - only own results from my little group. Can only do this job and it’s the only one that matters.
The enemy is out there - not my fault
The illusion of taking charge - proactiveness should not be pre-emptive attack. Should come from seeing how we contribute to our own problems
The fixation on events - if dominated by series of events. Best you can do is predict oe that’s coming and react to it.
The parable of the boiled frog - have to watch slow processes
The delusion of learning from experience - doesn’t work unless you see the consequences of the actions.
The myth of the management team Ch3: Prisoners of the system, or prisoners of our own thinking?
The Beer Game
-- Retailer, Wholesaler and Brewer roles
-- Weekly orders with a month long lag btw order and delivery for each.
-- Consumers go from buying 4 cases per week to 8 after being featured in a music video
-- Retailer buys more but after waiting 3 weeks freeks out and buys a ton more. so do al lthe other retailers. Backlogs, chaos. Go from under inventory to over inventory. Same thing happens at wholesaler
Lessons of the Beer Game:
Structure Influences Behavior - systems create their own crises. When placed in the same system, people, however different, tend to produce similar results.
Structure in Human Systems is Subtle - not external. The basic interrelationship that controls behavior.
Leverage Often Comes from New Ways of Thinking - people often have potential leverage that they do not exercise b/c they focus only on their own decisions and ignore how their decisions affect others. Usual just act in ways we feel compelled to act rather than seeing the structure and our role in it.
Structural pieces in the Beer Game: