I remember starting summer and going into sixth grade. Gym was the best ever, We were so competitive.It was great! I miss south main elementarty. I started girl scouts either fourth or fifth grade. We were a full pack. I remember going on trips. I remember my group won the science fair but I was absent the day they took the picture. Why cant life be that easy all the time, You get in a fight with your friend, stop talking for a few day and then in a few days you guys are back to being friends. I loved being the ring leader and having the chart were if you were on green you were good. Yellow was warning. Orange was no free time and red was call home. I wish we still had them high school some days. I remember when you ended up on orange, you sat in the middle of the class room and had to do math to figure out what color you would need and were allowed to play with the other kids. I honestly wish coloring was a pushishment in highschool,like if you didnt get dressed in gym, you have to color a full …show more content…
You woke up, got dressed, went to school came home, Changed into street clothes (what my mom use to call play clothes) Met up with a few friends and played until the street light came on. My friends all lived on the same street as me. Church street. It was Sydney, Justin, john-johnm, maya and a few kids here and there lived in the small circle a few houses down. Maddie and le'greg and there cousin pookie lived behind my house in the big circle. They were doing construction work behind my house and even today they still havent finished bulding houses. Its been over nine years. Well in the summer we would call the pond and all the moutains the googie giazier. We dont know why, it was just what we came up to. There was always frogs there in the summer. In the winter the pond would freeze and we would run around it like crazy. We would be out there for hours, But always in before the street lights, that was for sure. We played house, man hunt, hid and seek. We would make plans for the weekend to go to park ave to the big playground and having sydney and maddie go tohandy mannys for meat pie because it was to far for me to go. I remember sneaking down there once and my older sister catching me. We were a lot more mature then most kids we grew up with though. Our parents were honest about most stuff accept about santa and the tooth fairy. I found out my sister was gonna have a baby from Justin by tricking him into telling me. I told him