Fruitvale Station is the true story of the 22-year-old Bay area resident, Oscar Grant. He spends his New Year’s Eve trying to do better but as the day progresses he begins to realize that it isn’t going to be as easy as he thought. Towards the end of the movie, Oscar and his friends ends their night of celebrating their New Year in a confrontation with police officers at the Fruitvale BART station. Unfortunately, that was Grant’s last encounter. In my opinion, the movie Fruitvale Station is an accurate representation of what occurred Oscar Grant on…
The expectation is that our audience (X,Y) would think about the moments and situations that they were living by the time they watched the movie. Dirty Dancing will come alive again, and this is a movie that according to Tzioumakis (2013) has had “a continuing existence of an audience in the years following its success in theaters” (p.4). So, this loyal audience will revive their past and they will give a new significance to the remake. In fact they will create new memories. Is like when you read a book and then you watch the movie version of that book. So, you give a new significance to the story and that is why the people that saw the first one will enjoy the remake.…
In The Breakfast Club, there is an overwhelming idea of the future. The students only think about one week in advance before their Saturday detention. They never thought about what their actions could do to their future. For example, Brian did not seem to grasp that because he was so ready to kill himself over one failed assignment. He was thinking in the now and not in the future. A noticeable moral of this film is: Parents should actually raise their children. In this film, all of the parents have minimal screentime, but it is still evident that they totally suck. Claire’s parents use her as a tool of revenge against one another, and her parents fail to see the effect it has on her. Andrew’s parents push him too hard, and as a result he is…
The Breakfast Club is a quintessential teen movie. Director John Hughes really knew what he was doing when he wrote his teen movies. Set during one Saturday detention, The Breakfast Club is a movie about five different kids from five different social groups becoming friends and finding out they're not so different after all. The five main characters are Claire the princess, Andy the jock, Allison the basket case, Brian the nerd, and Bender the criminal. Though at first the five characters argue, they pour their hearts out to each other and realize that they aren’t So different after all.…
As mentioned earlier, the way in which the mobster’s and their families are dressed is a direct visual correlation to their role and or manifestation of status within the confines of Henry Hill’s story.…
WARNING SPOILER ALERT. The Narrator in “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk lives a single serving life filled with insomnia causing him to have multiple issues with his identity. He is a man having a mid-life crises as life became reparative and the need to search for excitement, danger, and something different becomes apparent. Whether it is feeling other people’s pain in a support groups as a way to find his released from the boring life or creating Tyler as the perfect vision of himself, his personality dramatically evolves. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) can be linked to the changes happening as it forms the “two faces” the narrator wears in the story. Insomnia is what drove the Narrator towards the support groups to find what he needed…
He flies around the country to write accident reports on his company’s cars. One particular flight, he meets soap salesman, Tyler Durden. As Jack arrives back to his apartment, he finds that it has been blown up. He pulls out Tyler’s business card that he gave him earlier and calls him up. They meet at a bar and Jack ends up going home with Tyler to stay at his place. However, before they leave the bar, Tyler says he needs one favor from Jack, which is to hit him as hard as he could. After one punch, the two engage in a sloppy fight. Fighting becomes a very important piece in Jack’s life. With continued fighting, Jack attends work with bruises and blood stains. His boss is not happy. The bar at which Jack and Tyler first fought begins to be a meeting point for a group of men that Tyler and Jack have attracted through fighting. This proves that they are not alone in how they feel. The two talk to the bartender and end up using the basement of the bar for their new “Fight Club”. There is only one rule of fight club: “You shall not speak of Fight Club”.…
Film Techniques Definitions: -Mise en Scene: Mise en scene refers to all the objects and characters in a particular frame. More specifically, it refers to the composition of the frame. When you use the term mise en scene, you are discussing where the composer or director has placed all the elements of the scene within the frame.…
The Breakfast Club is a gathering of high school students who go to a saturday detention each with a different reason to why they are there. Mr. Vernon gives them a basic task to do while they are in there. They must write an essay about themselves. Every individual has a smart thought of what the other is. Yet, as they argue and speak about reality, they realized they care for eachother more than at first sight.…
Fight Club “Its only after we’ve lost everything are we free to do anything”, Tyler Durden as (Brad Pitt) states, among many other lines of contemplation. In Fight Club, a nameless narrator, a typical “everyman,” played as (Edward Norton) is trapped in the world of large corporations, condominium living, and all the money he needs to spend on all the useless stuff he doesn’t need. As Tyler Durden says “The things you own end up owning you.” Fight Club is an edgy film that takes on such topics as consumerism, the feminization of society, manipulation, cultism, Marxist ideology, social norms, dominant culture, and the psychiatric approach of the human id, ego, and super ego. “It is a film that surrealistically describes the status of the American…
“ The position of the camera governs our access to the action. how we experience a given set of events is going to be profoundly affected by the nature of the view, or views with which are presented” meaning the way the opening scene is filmed, can govern the way in which the audience can perceive the narrative and characters. The first shot that is seen is a panning shot across the countryside/woods to give the audience a perspective of where the action is taking place, and showing the audience what I mentioned earlier about the setting and lighting, in this one shot the audience is able to establish an understanding of what the tone of the film is, and an idea of the genre. An establishing shot is then used to show Donnie in the middle of the road, showing he has fallen off his bike, having this establishing shot, without any action, or seeing that Donnie has fallen, the audience already has gathered what has happened. A close up shot is then used to let the audience see Donnie’s facial expression in order for the confusion of this scene to be shown. After, another panning shot is used, almost as a point of view shot so that Donnie is aware of his surroundings, using a point of view shot, then lets the audience go into the mind of the character, which highlights the convey of loneliness and the tranquility that is presented in his…
Sister James and Sister Aloysius play a very important role in John Patrick Shanley’s movie Doubt, which is about the mistrust that takes place in a school directed by the church on priest Flynn command. There, sister Aloysius is the principal, so she is in charge of the student’s rights and responsibilities. On the other hand Sister James is a history teacher. Both characters are important for their way of handling the doubt.…
I give two thumbs up for the absolutely outstanding movie “Varsity Blues” directed by Brian Robbins. Varsity Blues is such an outstanding movie played by some magnificent actors such as Paul Walker, James Van Der Beek, Ali Larter, Amy Smart, and plenty other amazing actors. This spectacular movie it takes place in 1999 in a small town high school football team where their coach only cares about reaching his 23rd district championship title. As players for this football team, they went through hell and back dealing with the pressure from the community and their overbearing coach constantly giving them a very difficult time throughout the entire season. Jonathon…
Which of the following statements about mise-en-scène is NOT true? Mise-en-scène has two visual components: lighting and movement.…
The four fundamentals of film are mis-en-scéne, cinematography, editing and sound. The mis-en-scéne includes the setting, costumes, make-up, lighting and staging. It is defined as “the visual elements on the stage and includes depth, height, and width. Although the precise meaning of mise-en-scène with regard to film is disputed, it generally refers to what is seen in the film frames throughout the film or to what is seen in one single shot or frame.” The next element is cinematography and that is the photography, camera framing, duration, the shot, camera angle and framing. “Editing permits the filmmaker to relate any two points in space through similarity, difference, or development and therefore controls the narrative of the film by controlling the sequence of images we see.” The final element is sound in cinema it takes three forms: speech, music and noise. The sounds and their relationship to each other represent deliberate choices by the filmmaker to create a certain effect.…