Today The International Media Specially Western Media They Are Saying That..."All Muslims Are Not Terrorist But All Terrorist Are Muslim."
But If You Go Back To The History Of The World You Will Find 100% Falsehood In This Statement.
For Example:
1)In The History Of The World Who Has Killed Maximum Innocent Human Beings?????
Do You Know Who Was He?????
He Was A Christian?????? ??
But Media Will Never Say That Christians Are Terrorist!!!!!
2)Joseph Stalin Called As Uncle Joe
"He Has Killed 20 Million Human Beings Including 14.5 Million Were Starved To Death"
Was He Muslim??
3) Mao Tse Tsung (China)
"He Has Killed 14 To 20 Million Human Beings."
Was He Muslim??
4) Benito Mussolini (Italy)
"He Has Killed 400 Thousand Human Being.
Was He Muslim??
5) Ashoka
"In Kalinga Battle He Has Killed 100Thousand Human Being.
Was He Muslim??
6) Embargo Put By
George Bush
In Iraq 1/2 Million Children Has Been Killed In Iraq Alone!!!
Imagine This People Are Never Called Terrorist By The Media.
When America takes more than 1 million lives—Not Terrorism
When Serbs rape Muslim women in Kosovo/Bosnia--Not Terrorism
When Russians Kill 200,000 Chechens in bombings---Not Terrorism
When Jews kick out Palestinians and take their land---Not Terrorism
When American drones kill many families in Afghanistan/Pakistan---Not Terrorism
When Israel Kills 10,000 Lebanese civilians due to 2 missing soldiers---Not Terrorism
When Muslims retaliate and show you how you treat us---Terrorism
When the Christians crusaders killed millions of Muslims in the name of Jesus---Not Terrorism
It seems like the word “Terrorism” is only reserved for Muslims
Today The Majority Of The Non Muslims Are Afraid By Hearing The Words "Jihad"
Jihad Is An Arabic Word Which Comes From Root Arabic Word"Jahad" Which Means