Monsters are unpredicted and are made at anytime. Monsters show different actions that can affect what society acts upon them. We can see that monsters can be unfairly labeled by examining “Of Mice and Men”, “Born of A Man and Woman”, and “Monster”. People will jump to conclusion when it comes to labeling other people as monsters, this is because of the characteristics of disorders that people cannot understand,and the looks or appearance on one self changes people’s opinions. Through examination and explaining the actions of the author's use of text from Steinbeck,Myers, and Matheson, we can understand that people will claim to be unfairly labeled as monsters.…
alone and have to take care of ourselves on our own. In conclusion monsters cannot be good or bad but more neutral miss-understood people. Monsters are neither bad nor good unless they target specific people to cause pain intentionally like Trujillo did. Although the monster caused pain to some people it was unintentional and if Victor hadn’t of left him alone then he wouldn’t of been so miss guided. Trujillo and Victor Frankenstein are both bad monsters because they only thought of themselves and not about how their actions affected other people.…
Every person is an individual in his or her own way and form. Be it their way of thinking or the decisions they make, no one person is the same. The characters in the story’s The Possibility of Evil by Shirley Jackson and The bolt of white cloth By Leon Rooke are all influenced by the society, environment and people they are surrounded with. They must take into consideration the feelings of others to be given the result they truly deserve.…
In the book Beowulf, he faces several monsters and conquers his weaknesses. In today’s world people don’t battle monsters, however, they do battle things in everyday life. People have bullies they have to defend themselves from, which technically all bullies are monsters. If you put someone else down because you want to them you are basically a monster. People face addictions such as drugs and tobacco. I myself have a monster that I am trying to conquer and that flaw is anger.…
Goodness is self-righteous: evil is purposeful. Seems rather counterintuitive doesn’t it? But what truly is good and what truly is evil, or are the two even separate entities to begin with? After all, good and evil is all hinged upon perspective, viewpoint is the key. Can something so obscured by opinions really be quantified? So where do monsters fall then? Who are the monsters? Why is our society obsessed with such monsters both in reality and fiction tales? The answer is rather simple: since we cannot define what good and evil is and we presume monsters fall into the spectrum of evil, we write about them, mold them into what we believe they should be to fulfill our desire for a definitive ideal of good and…
Monsters are not always furry beast that live under the bed. Monsters can be born as human children, hiding behind pretty faces and sweet voices. They are not solely the things found in nightmares, nor do they always leave when the lights turn on. They are real, and can be found in every one of us. The Bible says that every child is born with a seed of evil, that can be traced back to the beginning of biblical times. This seed is original sin, planted in the hearts of humanity by the devil himself. If that seed is let to cultivate, then it can take over a person, and push them toward the path of monstrosity. No matter what your were born as, monster or saint, it is your choice to chose the path you want to take. In the novel East of Eden, John Steinbeck uses both Cal Trask and Cathy Ames to symbolize the evil inside of humanity, and Cal alone as a symbol of humanity's choice to overcome it.…
"And I guess a man's importance in the world can be measured by the quality and number of his glories. It is a lonely thing but it relates us to the world. It is the mother of all creativeness, and it sets each man separate from all other men." (130)…
“The monsters within us are far worse than the monsters of the world.” A quote that possesses more wisdom than it appears. When I first read this quote, it spoke to me on a deep level. When people think of monsters, they think of the Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc… but what we don’t realize, is that some of the scariest monsters can be within us. We are non-fiction and sometimes monsters can come out within the most unexpected people. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an example of how someone that is deemed honest and loyal could even have a monster somewhere within. There are people who even have a monster much more apparent than others, such as Barbara Allen. We may romanticize the idea of monsters and fear them in these stories,…
John Hick defined evil as “physical pain, mental suffering and moral wickedness” For Hick, the consequence of evil is suffering…
The monster shows that he is good and not evil by showing compassion. He shows this when the monster realized that the family of peasants were unhappy because of their poverty that the monster had been contributing to by stealing their food. When the monster realizes this he becomes torn by his guilty conscience he stops surreptitiously taking their food and does what he can to reduce their hardship by collecting firewood and leaving it outside their house for them. Before the monster finds out what causes their despair he…
Monsters are imaginary creatures that humans created. People’s fears, worries, or anxieties have been used to create the fictional monsters. Monsters have features that society deem to be scary or bad. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka follow the story of a 'monster'. Pushed away from society, and labeled as an outcast, the monster is often hurt by the people around it. However, the monsters in these stories were not always monsters. They were once simple creatures, loving and kind, who were pushed away by society, turned into outcasts and deemed unfit to live among the rest of society. Once deemed unfit for society, both Frankenstein's monster and Gregor turned towards monstrosity. Both…
Look at them! Monsters I tell you! Look at them as they stand in their own filth. Monsters are what became of the individuals who once held close ties to their own morals. However, morality nearly becomes extinct by the actions taken by individuals trying to reach their goals. In three different literary works we will analyze how an individual can be turned away from their own beliefs whenever their inner desires interfere.…
There is evil in this world that we have no control over, but within this world there is good. In the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, the addiction, the violence against innocent lives and the potion represent the good and evil that exists in Dr. Jekyll.…
When monsters are thought of a very distinct picture comes to mind. An ugly creature that is out for blood, born into a life where causing misery is his driving force. Do these features really define what a monster is; works of literature like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Shakespeare’s Othello tell quite a different story. Monsters are not born but made just as people are not born evil but can sometimes end up there. Othello and the Monster start of as good men looking to be part of society but were pushed out because of what others perceived them to be. This caused them to mentally and physically isolate themselves from everyone allowing hatred to take over. Iago and Frankenstein also helped to instill thoughts and emotions in these characters that ultimately changed their path from good to evil. Both the characters of Othello and the Monster transform into monstrous beings due to their desire to be accepted, isolation, and relationship with their antagonists.…
In this paper I am going to use the very popular argument from evil, which was…