1. The Artwork: Collector is commissioning artist, Ruby Castro to paint a series of 4 oil paintings on panels that reflect world events revolving around ancient cultures and Islam. Appropriate locations must be reflected in the artwork based on ancient times and relevant to the Islamic Culture. Artwork is also left to the discretion of the painter who has an extensive historical background of the material being presented regarding the beauty of Islamic tiles, Mosaics and Medieval Christian Art.…
In this project, you will create and deliver a presentation to demonstrate an understanding of how works of art reflect the culture, politics, religion, and artistic movements of the times in which the artists created them.…
The Tiber Muse, originally discovered in the vicinity of the Tiber River in Rome in 1885, is a product of the Graeco-Roman era and is dated around the 2nd-1st century BCE. This date and other formal qualities of the sculpture such as the pose, drapery and medium suggest that it was produced during the Hellenistic Period of Greece and Asia Minor, and then imported to Rome at a later date. The importation, copying, and public display of Greek art were common from the start of Roman conquering of Greek territories and throughout the Roman Imperial era. The formal qualities of this piece, to be explored later in this exhibition, are comparable to those of the Nike of Samothrace in that they both exhibit the dramatic, elaborate techniques common of the Hellenistic Period (323-30 BCE) that embrace a range of emotions, providing us with an overpowering, multi-sensory experience as we view these pieces. The qualities and purpose of art during the Hellenistic Period were quite different from those of the Byzantine Era, to be further explored by comparing these two sculptures with the Justinian and Attendants mosaic from San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy. Through a formal analysis of these three works, the meaning, purpose and values of the culture that produced them will become clear, and we can further understand the historical context of these two very different time periods.…
The art pieces I choose to analyze are two paired Star Tiles with Vegetal Motifs and Inscriptions. The evolution of the purpose of an artifact reveals the development of complexity within Islamic empires as time progresses. The first Islamic dynasties controlled large unified Islamic states and religious pieces served as the main type of art within their empires. The goal of the gallery layout is to display to an uninformed viewer the evolution of Islamic art over the course of a millennium, and to reveal the four unifying characteristics that emerged, figural representation, geometric patterns, vegetal patterns, and calligraphy (The Met). The first artifacts are the oldest and are only decorated with calligraphy. The pieces eventually progress to geometric and vegetal patterns. The last element to appear is figural representations, because they are the most complicated. The tiles contain three of these main characteristics; calligraphy, vegetal patterns, and geometric patterns.…
* Considering that calligraphy and mosaic are visual representations of religious belief, compare and contrast Islamic calligraphy at Alhambra and Dome of the Rock to Christian mosaics at Ravenna. What do you think each art form communicates about the religion it…
In Marion Katz essay The Prophet Muhammad in ritual she explains how physical representations of the Prophet Muhammad hold a marginal and disputed place in Muslim piety. The people of the Christian religion celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ there are many popular modern customs and traditions that include gift giving, exchange of Christmas cards, church services, special meals, lots of decorating and stockings. People have strayed from the original idea of celebrating the birth of Jesus. Christmas is now being used as an excuse to party, get drunk, and buy gifts and more gifts. The Muslims hold celebrations to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birth this is known in Arabic as the mawlid.…
The famous stele of Naram-Sin (also known as Naramsin in some scholarly sources) is a 6-foot and 6-inch-high relief cut from red sandstone currently located in the Musée de Louvre (cite art of the ancient near and middle east) depicting the grandson of Sargon’s victory over the people of the Zagros mountains, the Lullubi. (cite the textbook) This relief has many propaganda-like tools, such as position, scale, dynamics, location, and symbols used to enforce the idea of a strong and all-reigning leader that could hold the society together. This essay will provide multiple examples of how the image of Naram-Sin, the last great king of Akkad, was contorted to fulfill his self-inflicted title of “God of Akkad” using specific tools of propaganda. (cite art of the ancient near and middle east)…
Critically compare the use of symbol and the use of analogy to express human understandings of God…
As I entered the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, I began viewing the artworks, and it was there that I noticed a beautiful sculpture. Right away it captured my attention. It was a statute of Isis sitting with Horus on her lap. It was called Isis Nursing Horus. First, I liked the subject matter. It was very feminine, but also showed what a strong woman Isis was. There were other sculptures that I saw while viewing which were much more detailed and painted. But this sculpture was my favarite. As Plutarch writes of Isis: "she is both wise and a lover of wisdom; as her name appears to denote that, more than any other, knowing and knowledge belong to her"( Plutarch). The name of sculpture and its magnificence inspired me to choose this sculpture as a subject of my research paper.…
Is it their skin color? Their language? Their appearance? Or maybe the tragic occurrence of September 11th? Over the years, Muslims have rapidly become subjects to one of the many groups that are strongly stereotyped throughout the West. Whether it is religious, physical, traditional, or even affected by disdained feelings against them, Muslims suffer from all kinds of stereotypes. This occurrence, however, is clearly recognized by a Muslim author named Marjane Satrapi. In her graphic novel, Persepolis, Satrapi illustrates her story of living in Iran as a discreet revolutionist child going against the Fundamentalists’ throughout the Islamic Revolution. Proving Iran’s image of having connections with fundamentalism, fanaticism, and terrorism false, Satrapi successfully sheds light upon her subversion to Western stereotypes about Muslims through the use of three illustrative strategic dichotomies. These creative dichotomies include the color usage of black versus white, the significance of big images versus small images, and the illustrative facial expressions of Iranian Fundamentalists versus Iranian Revolutionists.…
Metaphors merge two superficially incompatible concepts to create symbolism. Metaphors have entailments through which they highlight and make coherent certain aspects of our experience. (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980:132). Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action.…
The Sacred Realm is a theme of art that involves the concept of aspects that cannot be seen but can only be brought to existence through faith by viewing a piece of art work. This faith is usually in form of a sacred realm. It’s vital to understand that this theme cannot be viewed by the naked eye. For instance, the religious images in the visual art are employed to bring about the opinions and beliefs of the individuals who are in faith of the specific religion and this is reached by provision of abstract ideas with images thru the work of art. Therefore, the Sacred Realm theme of art explains in a virtual way the reason and purpose behind the existence of certain aspects of nature such as religion that can only be believed by faith and strong beliefs.…
At times the artist just want to record an event, person or an object, sometimes to impartially describe it, or to appreciated it, or to criticize it, two of the most used forms of art for this purpose are, painting, and sculpture. In the painting “Jahangir in Darbar”, 1620, it shows the muslin ruler of India Jahangir seated in his court during and audience, is easy to deduce the diversity, and acceptance of Jahangir court, by the faces,…
Things are often most memorable when they are graphic. If one sees something disturbing or shocking, it is very common for that thing to become stuck in that person’s head for a while, the image of it permanently ingrained in their head. This is especially true in the authentic coming of age story that is Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi. In the graphic novel Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi effectively uses graphic images to demonstrate the themes of revolution, religion, and loss of innocence.This first visual consists of religious symbols and words meaning ‘religion’ or ‘faith’ in many languages, all going around the Earth. This displays religion because it is almost entirely composed of symbols and words that are directly connected with worldly…
To determine whether the New York Times depiction of Islam and Muslims did not change after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the measures of central tendency and the measures of dispersion could be used. The measures of central tendency are simply a statistic used to present data in the form of averages. The most common measures of central tendency are the arithmetic mean, the median and the mode. The measures of dispersion tell you how widely spread out or scattered these values are. The range and standard deviation are two examples.…