Figure 3 shows a bronze bowl found in the Tepe sofalin, after recovery from the excavation. The bronze bowl reveals,
already at a visual examination, its noteworthy brittleness. The corrosion attacks are evident on a wide area of the artifact; because of the long-lasting contact with the soil, a complex environment whose different parameters as geological and hydrological factors and chemical composition can play an important role in the corrosion processes.
A first phase in the formation of the secondary patina is the transformation of cuprite into malachite and atacamite, (Fig. 2,3). The secondary patina often presents crystal formations on its surface (Fig 4), as structural arrangements. The secondary patina, by developing in contact with some microstructures from the site, embeds them into the surface of the object (by processes of mineralization), forming the tertiary, or the contamination patina (Sandu et al,2012; Constantinides,2002). The tertiary patina is shaped without metallic core.