Political Science 102 This paper is about if filibusters should be kept or not kept. I show all sides of the issues and show what I think is the best possible answer. |
Every day in the United States laws are put onto the table to see if they will either be approved or disapproved. They go through quite a battle and if they are approved it shows they have reached the biggest goal there is for a law, being enforced. It takes a lot for everyone to pass and say ok to a new law.
The Research question I am going to discuss and give farther details on is if U.S. Senate should change its rules so that senators will no longer be allowed to filibuster. I will discuss and show all the different points and ideas on this story so everyone gets the idea of what will happen either way.
This is a very important research question because filibusters are very important. When a senator does not want a bill to go through to get voted on he or she will hold a filibuster to try to stop the process. Many of times the senator will do whatever it takes so a law cannot get passed even if this means talking about nothing that has to do with the bill. If they do not allow filibusters to happen anymore this could become quite interesting many bills may make it through in record time. I am not saying by not having filibusters means every bill will be passed I am just saying the process may speed up the process quite a bit because there will not be any road blocks. By not having filibusters it may also cause a stir in the public because they will support a certain candidate and tell them to cause a filibuster because the new law messing with an item they back.
Filibusters being around are a very important question because it affects our laws and the government. These two items do affect us daily even if we do not know it and it is important to understand if we do not have filibusters what it
Bibliography: * Alter Alison and Moscow Leslie. 2000. “Legislative Studies Quarterly” Vol. 25, No.259-284 * Chemerinsky Erwin and Fisk Catherine.1997. “The Filibuster.” Stanford Law Review Vol. 49, No. 2 181-254 * Kenneth, Janda, Jeffery M. Berry, and Goldman Jerry, The Challenge of Democracy, 10th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 2009. * ”Senate Filibusters and the Cloture Rule.” Congressional Digest 90, no. 2 : 34-64. Academic Search Premier. * Hayes, Christopher. “Fix the Filibuster.” Nation 292, no 2/3 (January 10, 2011) : 4-7. Academic Search Premier