• Lizard Brain The Lizard Brain is a part of our Paleomammalian brain which seemingly supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. One of the things that the Lizard Brain controls is our fear. It makes us feel that we are not up to the task; that there is a bigger chance that we do not succeed at the end; that we will end up in failure. It is very common for Filipinos to be pessimists. We often tell ourselves that we can’t do this, or we can’t do that, without even trying. Our view is dimmed by the sight of failure, and we end up making U-turns and never going back, never going to try. How would success befall on us if we, ourselves, do not even try to get it at the first place? Both Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump believe at the fact that success is the dish cooked up with the necessary ingredient called “Failure”. Without failure, how are we able to learn to succeed? Even a person who has not failed miserably in life could not be called successful. Mayhap, even a simple failure will turn that man on his knees and break him. And so, Filipinos need to quiet down their Lizard Brains in order to uphold our talents from the pessimistic point of view.
• Ignorance
"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." is not particularly applicable in this subject. There are few schools which have Financial Education as part of their usual curriculum, and, in contrary to that, the majority of schools in the Philippines, whether it may be public or private, have not considered Financial Education, whatsoever, into their own curricula.
As a result, the students will have no information or knowledge on how to properly manage the flow of their money or their income in the near future. When they’ll be grown up enough, they would be following the usual advice Filipino parents give their children as the