Principles and general objectives of education
In the Philippines the education system aims to:
Provide a broad general education that will assist each individual in society to attain his/her potential as a human being, and enhance the range and quality of the individual and the group; Help the individual participate in the basic functions of society and acquire the essential educational foundation for his/her development into a productive and versatile citizen;
Train the nation’s manpower in the middle-level skills required for national development;
Develop the high-level professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge through research, and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life;
Respond effectively to changing needs and conditions through a system of educational planning and evaluation.
Current educational priorities and concerns
The growing awareness of the benefits of education, the constitutional provision (a new constitution was adopted in 1987) for free and compulsory elementary education, the demand for education relevance and responsiveness to changing societal needs and the alarming rate of increase in the country’s population have contributed to the problem of providing education for all, a problem which becomes more serious each year. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports (now the Department of Education, DepED) has attempted to implement educational reforms, programmes and projects to address the key issues of access and quality of basic education, relevance and efficiency of the education system. However, many problems are besetting education in the Philippines. Among the school-related causes are the unqualified and poorly trained teachers, inadequate facilities and equipment, and lack of instructional materials
(textbooks and teacher’s manuals). Non-school factors include poverty, low educational attainment and illiteracy of parents, and poor health and...