In Iron Jawed Angels, we are shown part of the journey to gain women the right to vote. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns meet with Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Shaw about being apart of the NAWSA. Paul and Burns are given control of the Washington D.C. office as long as they raise their own funds. Their plan is to get an amendment and plan a parade. A march/parade shows more than a ballot. While looking for support and volunteers, they gain following working with those who need the vote the most. While planning, they run into what is morally right and what will keep support. The black women march in the back. This raises the question if this is for all women. Nearly 5,000 people show up to the parade.
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This is during the time of trait theory and the Classical age. What really stood out to me about connecting leadership style in the movie was the way the prison was run. Even though the captain or major was a woman, the warden was still a man. it was run very much like the factories. The organization, control, and command defined how the prison was run. When they are working in the sewing room and they won’t open the window. Or when they are force feeding Alice to gain back the control over her. The other thing that stood out was the way that Alice Paul was a leader, but so was Carrie Chapman Catt. Alice was more about listening to the people and doing it for everyone. She was, as Lucy put, their mama duck. She had bright ideas for women’s rights. Carrie wanted the same things but had a softer approach that was still very by the