I denne projektrapport foretages en analyse af filmen Dogville, 2003, instrueret af Lars von Trier. Ved premieren og i den debat, filmen vakte, blev den karakteriseret som anti-amerikansk, moralsk, religiøs m.m. Projektet er udarbejdet ud fra den tese, at Dogville er en film med en meget kompleks form, hvilket gør det svært at tage den til indtægt for bestemte holdninger. I analysen undersøges denne tese, og i diskussionen holdes filmens form op imod dens indhold. Rapporten konkluderer, at filmen er udpræget formbevidst, og at de temaer, den præsenterer, er underlagt dette. Filmen er en æstetisk provokation. Analysen er eksemplificeret, men ikke gennemført dokumenteret, hvorfor rapportens forfattere tillader sig at anbefale eventuelle læsere, at de ser filmen, inden de læser rapporten.
In this report an analysis of the film Dogville, 2003, directed by Lars von Trier, is carried out. At its premiere and in the debate, the film instigated, it was characterised as anti-American, moral, religious and so on. The starting point, from which the project has been produced, is the thesis that Dogville is a film that has a very complex form, which makes it hard to attribute certain attitudes to it. In the analysis, this thesis is investigated, and in the discussion, the film’s form is compared to its content. This report concludes that the film is expressly conscious of form and that the themes, it presents, are subordinate to the form. The film is an aesthetical provocation. The analysis is exemplified but not documented throughout. The authors suggest any readers that they watch the film before they read the report.
Resumé Kapitel 1 – I hvilket projektet indledes
1.1 Motivation 1.2 Emnevalg og problemfelt 1.3 Problemformulering
2 5
5 5 7
Kapitel 2 – I hvilket metode og opbygning, teori og tradition skitseres
2.1 Metode og opbygning 2.2 Tradition og teori
2.2.1 De narratologiske filmteorier 2.2.2 Den fortællende film De tre