sex addiction. Certainly, this movie was very fascinating for me, and was definitely not a documentary style movie I had ever come across.
Of course, it may not have been very simple to take in the varieties of theories pertaining to quantum mechanics/physics all at once; however, I did strongly agree on the theory that beliefs about who one is and what is real form oneself and one's realities. This is something I had thought about for a copious amount of years, but I do believe that if one strongly desires someone or something mentally, and is all concentrated to that particular value, it will become reality. Astoundingly, within my experience, many of the things I strongly desired and concentrated on had come into my possession, whether it was an expensive cell phone, or simply obtaining a high score on the SAT. I believe that my strong desire gave me a motivational push to work hard in raising enough money to buy a cell phone or to enable me to study harder in obtaining a good grade In addition, it is certainly not merely pertaining to something we strongly want to acquire, but also our "luck" or "fortune". I personally take strong belief in that the positive ness or the negative ness within a human mind will affect the outcome as to their luck or fortune. For example, if one reads a horoscope saying that their particular sign was not going to have a good day at work, then that person will have a constant negative thought as to what could happen and will have the mentality that something negative WILL happen; thus, producing one's negative thought/state of mind into
reality. Furthermore, although this will be a very controversial topic, I believe religion works a similar way to the concept of "mind becoming reality". Often, people pray to the Lord and in Jesus name to repent sins, to show respect, to be gracious, etc. However, many also merely pray when in need of something or when facing conflict to request help, or at times, demand help. In my opinion, saying it out loud in words within ones prayers portrays the strong desire of one's need to have it become reality. Of course, within one's consciousness, they believe that they are merely praying to god and Jesus Christ to fulfill their request, but it may well likely be that their strong desire within their mental mind helps produce it as reality. Many of the testimonies regarding with religious healing exemplifies this very well. For instance, a woman who has a tumor seeks help to the power of God, Jesus and the church to be healed of her suffering and her pain. Miraculously, as the pastor laid his hand on her forehead, praying to the Lord and Jesus Christ, the pastor heals her. Certainly, this is possible because of the strong belief that the Lord will help heal, the desire to be healed and the strong religious faith of the woman and the pastor, enables this miraculous desire from the mind to be projected as reality.
In conclusion, us humans, are capable of utilizing the mind to project reality, as long as it is accompanied by the strong will, desire and belief. Without a doubt, this movie explained this theory very well, and I do look forward of this put forth into further research amongst scientist and philosophers.