In today’s world, communication is very important and necessary in how lives so as technology is to us, the world is becoming more civilised and man is working so hard to bring perfection in all they do. We now live a modern life where mass media and technology is what we live for, we build the media and the media builds us. However, mass media wouldn’t be complete without its audience. Although all this started with the culturalist school, the question now is what is cultural studies, Who are the culturalist school, What was there aim and what is an audience?, All these questions can’t be answered without a proper definition of cultural studies and the origin of cultural school.
Cultural studies are the study of the way of life and way people do things in a given culture. According to Stuart Hall in his 1989 lecture, culture is the changing ways of life of societies and groups, the network of meanings, which individual and groups used to make sense out of communicating to one another. The word audience is a Latin word ‘audire’ which means hearing or to hear, which began in the 14thcentury. An audience can therefore be defined as a group of people with the act of hearing, expressing and attending. The word audience was later extended to those congregating for public speeches and to theatre goers.
In 1964 Hall was invited to join Richard Hoggart at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies( CCCS) which operated as a research centre at the university of Birmingham(UK), it was first founded by Richard Hoggart. Hoggart and Hall shared many key with Frankfurt School. The Birmingham school came to focus on the interplay of representations and ideologies of class, gender, race, ethnicity and nationality in cultural texts, including in media culture, they were the first
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