“Captain Philips, can you hear me, Captain Philips can you hear me?” The walkie talkie sounded in the midst of pirates, as Captain Philips reached to take the walkie talkie…… This is from an awesome called Captain Philips. Captain Philips was released on October 26th 2013, the director is Paul Greengrass, and major actor is Tom hanks as Captain Richard Philips. This film is rated 8.1 on imdb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1535109/), 8.3 on rotten tomato (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/captain_phillips/) and 4/5 on the telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/filmreviews/10326943/Captain-Phillips-first-review.html). This film has a really good plot that keeps the audience craving for more.
Captain Philips is a moving, touching story of a sea captain who works for a company called Maersk to ship goods to the poor people in Africa, they plan to take a route from the US through the Somali sea of pirates and land at Africa in 3 weeks, on the trip, the crew face a Pirate skipper trying to hold the ship, the pirates succeed. The captain of the pirates is called Muse and he dreams of going to America. Captain Philips is captured on a life boat and is treated as hostage for the pirates. The Pirates develop the Stockholm syndrome and go to their fate.
The plot of this story (as mentioned above) is a thrilling story with clever twist in it. The plot consists of ups and downs that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. The scene where the crew is playing hide and seek with the pirates is the part that contains loads of suspense. Most of the plot is suspense, but sometimes, the plot can change into a heartwarming story, an example of this is when the pirates are getting sniped while the pirate in the ship tell them not to fire, or the captain dies, the suspense goes on until the pirates get shot and all die. The only bad thing is that the plot starts with a bit of a mystery, when the captain prepares his stuff and