The film “East is East” is a British comedy-drama film written by Ayub Khan-Din, directed by Damien O'Donnell and released in 1999. The story is set in a British household with a pious Muslim father and an English mother in Salford in 1971. George Khan, the father, forces his family to follow the Pakistani lifestyle, but his seven children, who were born in Britain, see themselves as British and reject the traditions. This results in many tensions and conflicts. In the following I am going to shortly sum up the plot as well as to give my own opinion on the film.
The beginning of the film introduces the family Khan and shows how strict George is. Nazir, whose father George arranged his marriage, withhold the ceremony and leaves her. As a result, George excludes him from the family since he partly damages the family's reputation.
However, after a while George arranges his sons Tariq and Abdul to marry two Pakistani wives, too.
Later, he tells his wife, Ella, about the marriages, whereas, she is not as pleased as George.
Tariq, who is already in a relationship with a British girl, loses his self-control and destroys the traditional clothes which his father bought for his wedding.
When George comes home and sees the destruction, he becomes furious and attacks one of his sons. After that, he beats Ella when she tries to defend her sons. Moreover, when the brides' parents come in order to get to know their future sons-in-law, there are disagreements between the two families and they finally decide that the weddings will not take place. After that, George becomes violent again, however, this time the children defend their mother. Now George quietly leaves the household. Despite this, Ella still regards George as her husband, someone she will remain faithful to the end.
All in all, I highly recommend this film because Damien O'Donnell manages it to bring a conflictual and humorous film to the screen. This film serves as great