Dr. Stevens
FIN534 Financial Management
December 3rd, 2014
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Financial managers have a job to provide clients with stock investments and portfolios that are diverse and successful. To provide this service financial managers must know and understand the trends, background of the company, financial statements, and competitors to companies. When a client hires a financial manager they are looking towards the professional to get sound advice on how stable to company is; and that the investment is safe, sound, and as secure as it can be. In order to provide and understand all this information it requires research and analysis. Working as a financial manager there are millions of options for investments and opportunities for clients to invest their money. For this paper, I will examine Coca-Cola (KO) a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange and will present more than just financial statement analysis, but will also examine; the important financial ratios that effect investment decisions, overall health of the company, the analysis of the price of KO stock, and rational for choosing KO over it’s competitors.
KO has more than 500 brands including world known brands like Diet Coke, Vitaminwater, Powerade, Sprite and Coca-Cola Zero. These brands total over 17 billion dollars, not including the independently owned bottling distributors that are part of KO’s supply chain. Thanks to our global market today, Coca-Cola products are found in nearly every country of the world, serving over 1.9 million servings of consumable products each day (7 Reasons Coca-Cola Is A
Buy. (n.d.)).
Coca Cola has been a strong company for many decades, and has been able to innovate and change with their consumers needs and wants. Ko’s business volume has grown 6% in the
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first half of 2014, as the company has been moving away from it’s reliance solely on carbonated soft drinks and more towards loIr calorie “natural”