EVA = After-tax __ After-tax
Operating Income Capital costs
= NOPAT – After-tax Cost of Capital
MVA = Market value __ Equity capital
of equity supplied (book value)
NOWC = Current assets - Non-interest bearing current liability
FCFs for all investors = OCF-Gross Investment in Operating Capital
= (OCF-Dep)-(Gross Investment in Operating Capital-Dep)
= NOPAT-Net Investment in Operating Capital
= NOPAT- Change in Total Operating Capital
Value of Equity= Present Value of Future FCFs for Common Stock Investors
FCFs for Common Stock Investors = NCF-Gross Investment in Operating Capital
= (NCF-Dep)-(Gross Investment in Operating Capital-Dep)
= NI-Net Investment in Operating Capital
= NI- Change in Total Operating Capital
Total Operating Capital = Net Operating Working Capital (NOWC) + Net Fixed Assets
= Current Assets-Non-interest Bearing Current Liabilities
+Net Fixed Assets
Change in Total Operating Capital = Total Operating Capital in Year t+1
- Total Operating Capital in Year t
NOPAT = EBIT*(1-Tax Rate)=EBIT-Tax Expense
If tax rate is available, you should use: NOPAT = EBIT*(1-Tax Rate)
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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which of the following could explain why a business might choose to organize as a corporation rather than as a sole proprietorship or a