Greenburg, Liza
Do you smell that?” was one of the first things I heard Christmas morning. I replied to my older sister, jenny, “mmm, yes!” Bacon and flapjacks! “Let’s go!” I eagerly shouted. We were down in the basement of our log cabin in North Carolina. The smell of Christmas breakfast was seeping up through the air vents. As we rushed downstairs I caught a glimpse outside. I froze, everything was white, covered in beautiful fluffy snow. When I made I finally made it downstairs I ogled the entire mountain. I just stood there absorbing and treasuring this magical moment… My most favorite childhood memory is this moment, my first white Christmas. One of the first things that takes me back to my fondest childhood memory would be recalling the breakfast from this rad day. From upstairs we could smell the enticing delightful aroma of bacon and flapjacks. As I got to the kitchen table, I noticed there was so much more to eat than just my favorite. Fluffy white buttermilk biscuits, sausage links, ham hocks and scrambled eggs were set throughout the table. Of course, we had fresh squeezed orange juice and smoldering coffee set on the table. This was an amazing Christmas feast, but mind you only my parents; jenny and I would be devouring this tasteful meal. The next thing I remember is white everything was. The whole mountain was covered in snow. The tip of the pine trees were extra frosty. Anywhere I would turn I would see white. Imagine I live in an extremely tropic climate. My home is in Miami, Florida, a very sunny, hot, beachy city. So to experience this white beauty was a phenomenon. The last thing that made this my most memorable childhood memory would be the abundance of gifts that were dispersed throughout the cabin. Christmas gifts everywhere I laid my eyes upon. That year Santa decided to wrap my gifts in metallic purple and blue wrapping with silver stringy bows. My sister and I didn’t know