Assignment 2 – Everest simulation
Assignment 2: Everest Report (30%)
Name: Tobias Vogel Course: MGMT1001 Tutors Name: Esha Mendieratta Tutorial time: Monday 4-‐5pm (M16A) Student number: z3377958
Report Focus: To critically analyse my personal and team’s experiences gained during the Everest simulation, whilst concurrently conceptualising the appropriate use of key course concepts; Communication (including disinhibition effect), groups and teams, and leadership
Tobias Vogel
Assignment 2 – Everest simulation
The Everest simulation is a virtual game incorporating the dramatic context of a Mount Everest climb, aimed at providing students the necessary skills to effectively engage in teamwork. Designed by the Harvard school and Forio Business simulations, the game arranges students into a team of 6, all to which have different roles during the simulation such as the environmentalist, physician, marathon runner, photographer, leader and observer. Teams must pass through 5 camps over 6 simulated days in order to reach the summit. Each player has the ultimate goal of reaching the top, however, personal goals vary between each player. Furthermore, unpredictable weather conditions, critical health implications, limit oxygen supply and decision
References: al. (2009) Largent (2010) Mueller (2011)