The Final Exam consists of a set of 45 questions from 15 important topics presented in the NSA program. You are required to answer only 15 questions from this set. Answers to these questions should be based upon the relevant courses in the program.
Each topic contains three skill levels. You need to choose a question which exhibits the highest skill level you can demonstrate fully:
Level 1: Definition or basic level. This level shows a basic understanding of the concepts.
Level 2: Application level. This level gives you an opportunity to explain how something works or how to apply a concept.
Level 3: Troubleshooting level. This level presents you with a problem. To answer a question at this level, you must diagnose the issue and explain how to correct it.
Choose only ONE question from EACH of the 15 topics and provide an answer for it. The grade will depend upon the difficulty level of the question you select as well as on how well you have written it. You can also include examples and drawings to support your answers. Note that you must always specify the level you are attempting in your Word document along with the answers.
This exam is worth 15% of the overall individual grade. If you choose to miss this exam, you will receive a 0. There is no opportunity for makeup.
The points for each difficulty level are as follows:
Level 1 questions are worth a maximum of 6 points
Level 2 questions are worth a maximum of 8 points
Level 3 questions are worth a maximum of 10 points
Individual Skills Assessment Scoring Table
Levels of Knowledge
Number of Topics Satisfied
Number of Topics Failed
Points Per Question
Points Earned
Synthesis/ Evaluation
( ) x 1.0 = ____
Application/ Analysis
( ) x 0.8 = ____
Knowledge/ Comprehension
( ) x 0.6 = ____
Total Points Earned
For example, if you satisfied 5 questions at the top level, 5 questions at the middle level, 4 questions at the lowest level, and failed to address 1