Philospohy of Ethics
Ethics is a very sensitive and touchy topic when talked about. Ethics can really change the image and the thought process of an individual. Their is going to be many various sources of ethics that are going to be addressed in this essay. Ethics are suppose to be steadfast principles but some people have situational ethnics; in a crisis they may do things that they may not ordinarily do, or if they think they can get away with it they may be unethical. Ethics and morals go hand in hand and they stem from how a person generally views life. Morals generally define a persons character while ethics are how that person applies their morals in a social system. But the basic source is our level of comfort and what we feel comfortable doing in a social system. Which is varied from indivivdual to individual because of each persons different upbringing from when they were little. In this essay a few things have to be dicussed. The first is if social ethics are universal or local? The next is if cultural relativism vaild or not? The Last would be to discuss the difference betwwen cultures and habit (good and bad) of various people, nations etc. Before I dicuss what cultural relativisim is, I would first like tto define what social ethics are. Social Ethics are Social ethics are the philosophical or moral principles that, in one way or another, represent the collective experience of people and cultures. This sort of ethics often acts as a sort of “code of conduct” that governs what is and is not acceptable, as well as providing a framework for ensuring that all members of the community are cared for. Social ethic applies in both individual and group capacities. It should be incorporated into daily actions/decisions, particularly ones that will have an effect on other persons and/or the environment. In the larger, group capacity, a code of social ethics is