Throughout this course I’ve learned various psychological theories, and being able to watch them play out in film has been an incredible experience for me. I’ve gained new perspectives for why people do the things that they do, which would otherwise be questionable to me. I now have an increased sense of empathy when it comes to others because we are all just trying to survive, and the way we do it is completely variable. For this reason, some of us lie, cheat, steal and cause harm to others. However, until we know the backstory to these people, or we “Take a walk in their shoes”, we will never truly understand them.
The films that we watched in class were all amazing in their own way, however, I am very appreciative that we started this course with the (Dis)Honesty Project. For example, an insight I’ve gained from this film is that people, no matter their socioeconomic status, will lie if put in a position to do so. Perhaps the best example of this is the story of the Basketball Referee. He was initially what we would deem as a ‘well off’ individual with a good career. However, once he realized that he could be making exponentially more by cheating the system, he didn’t hesitate. Humans are incredibly …show more content…
I find this statement incredibly accurate when it comes to this film. As a matter of fact, every coworker seemed to want to do the moral thing, but had external factors that prevented them from acting on it. We’ve discussed in class that we need to delaminate our survival instincts in order to open ourselves up to empathy and compassion for others. In summary, I enjoyed this film because it made me realize that you may value giving to the needy, but until you actually make that sacrifice it is not truly one of your values; only actions can prove your