When planning the LAN for CphoeniX INC, there were multiple considerations to take into account; the main concerns being the integrity and accessibility of the data over the network; as well as the ease of expanding the network. Along with these concerns, it has also been decided that each department needs to be able to share peripherals devices; such as scanners, copiers and printers. For this reasoning, the LAN in each of the facilities will use a star topology for its setup. CphoeniX Inc.'s star topology LAN will consist of Cat 5 e and 100Base-T cables. These cables will provide the necessary support for the network design allowing for speed and integrity. As well, this network layout will also allow for network expansion and management; and help support the future goals of the company.
As for the WAN that is to be used to connect the facilities to one another, there are a few key factors that need to be considered; the requirements of the WAN. These requirements include: being able to allow each facility to be able to connect, or rather be connected to the WAN to allow the accountants at headquarters access to all financial data. The WAN must allow for approximately 40 users at any given time on the WAN;
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