Diversity: people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognizing and valuing those differences.…
2. What kind of patent costs can be capitalized and what kind of patent costs can be expensed?…
In my opinion, diversity is being different in numerous categories. A few categories could be how you look, your beliefs, or your ethnicity. “Diversity is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill characteristics.” Retrieved from www.doi.gov…
Diversity is the range of different things, it includes important and interrelated dimensions of human identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, nationality, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, ability and age. Diversity is valued because, it is associated with understanding how multiple identities relate to patterns of socialization. Diversity builds up the intellectual, emotional, moral, religion, of the community. Without diversity, every person in the world would be the same.…
Diversity is defined in the dictionary as "the condition of being different." A crucial mistake many people make is to equate diversity with "race" and "culture". They think diversity is about "what Hispanics are like" or "what Europeans are like". “This approach is inherently flawed because it reinforces stereotypes and promotes an "us versus them" mentality. Diversity extends far beyond race and culture to include a number of dimensions of differences”. Loden and Rosener (1991). Valuing diversity recognizes differences between people and acknowledges that these differences are a valued asset. It also respects individuality while promoting respect for others.…
1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? In the Queensborough Community College Website, it says “The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies”. Diversity is valued because everyone is different, not one person is the same, and they are unique. We tend to reject what is different. Our diversities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We should value our diversity in order to come together as a whole within the society and world.…
Diversity is the way that everything and everybody is different. We all have various qualities that make us who we are. We all have our own individual set of qualities and we may share some of these with others we meet or have nothing in common at all. Diversity may be visible as in age or colour of skin or not immediately noticed until we have spent time with someone, this could include their religious beliefs or sexual orientation.…
Diversity means that every individual is different and unique. No matter what your language, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion or physical ability, we all form one diverse group. You will never find two people exactly the same as everyone is from different backgrounds and walks of life. I see a diverse group in my setting as all the children are from different backgrounds. I personally think that children need to understand the importance of diversity from an early age so they can recognise and see that they are all individuals.…
For many immigrants, the reason for leaving their home country behind was to find and live a better life elsewhere. In this research paper the history, reason, and effect of the immigration wave of Cubans during the mid to late 1900’s will be discusses as well as the residual effects on both Cuban and US governments. The goal of this research paper is to inform the reader of the importance of the Cuban presence and culture in the US and triumph throughout.…
The information I learned about diversity may not fit into the intended point of the class. Thinking back as far as I can remember the way I related to others was and still is decided on the way the mutual consideration for respect for whatever the purpose for the need to relate. At a point in my life I would have had no problem saying ‘’I Steven Hodges am proud to have a divers mindset in regard to being open to everything, and everyone imaginable under the sun’’. It is unfortunate that the word diversity seems to have been tainted and used like a tool to cloud and impede the accomplishments made, or at least started by people like Martin Luther King JR. The information I have gathered about diversity in the US is that so many people are too worried about other people and how diverse they are; but they them self-need to ask themselves how divers they truly are. I feel that too many people have a sense of entitlement and these same people freely point out the differences of other people who may not share the same opinion as them. Yet if they are so divers why can they not accept that people are different and we all do not have to think and feel the way the next person does.…
The information that I have learned about diversity in the United States has helped me better understand our society and relate to different people. I think that diversity is a beautiful thing that we should embrace instead of looking at negatively. The United States has come a long way in terms of discrimination and prejudice against different people from different cultures, backgrounds and races. This class has helped me gain a better understanding of what some people went through in order to gain the respect of people that looked down on them because they were of a different descent. Looking back at the way African Americans…
The definition of diversity is mostly misunderstood and associated with “culture” or “race”. Diversity means similarity and difference. In other words, the condition that describes similarities and differences is called diversity. Diversity can be described as the qualities and unique traits that vary from person to person, or from one group to the next, that make us different. Diversity is valued by ensuring that communities, institutions and workplaces provide equal treatment, opportunity, access to technology tools, resources and decisions for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and physical disability. By valuing diversity, we acknowledge the benefits of our differences and similarities.…
Diversity refers to the variety of backgrounds, orientations and experiences created within our community. When a community is diverse there is the presence of different points of views and ways of making meaning which flow from the variety within it. This variety arises out of different cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, gender, socioeconomic class, political, developed abilities, and/or sexual orientation. However, even as we recognize that diversity is multi-faceted, we must remember that some aspects of diversity ( i.e., race, gender) have proven particularly difficult to embrace. Those aspects of diversity deserve special ongoing attention. In short, an authentically diverse environment recognizes and nurtures the talents of all persons within the community.…
Fairy’s maze game is a 3d and 2d combination version environment game which is to be developed and present by the end of semester to fulfill the requirement to achieve the Degree in Bachelor of Science (hons) in Computing, UWCN in the School of Information Technology IUCTT which involve tools like 3D design applet and a programming language in designing phase.…
FORM-A FORM - A 1. Title of the project : SUPER GREENHOUSE GAS 2. Language : English 3. Name of the Group leader :…