Term Paper #2
The word Samurai means a fearless warrior sworn to protect without question. During their long history in Japan, Samurai lived lives in tradition, with a structured code of honor, discipline, and morality. By following their religious beliefs of Buddhism and Structural discipline Samurais are known to be one of the best warriors/solders in histories time. To be able to fight as brothers and protectors was their sworn life. The clothing of the Samurai had a very unique look along with many different parts that went along with it. The “everyday” wardrobe was the kimono, which for men normally consisted of an outer and inner layer1. This item of clothing was normally made out of silk2. The quality of a kimono any given Samurai might wear largely depended on his personal station and income3. Beneath this kimono, was a loincloth (fundoshi)4. To the loincloth was two different types a Samurai could choose to wear5. One was an essentially a wrap while the other type was a long piece of material worn down in front of the body6. A loop slung around the neck fastened the top of the loincloth while the other end was pulled up and around the other side of the abdomen and tied around the front of the lower waist with cords7. The Samurai had the option of wearing socks8. Footwear generally consisted of sandals (waraji) and wooden clogs (geta)9. Sandals were made from various sorts of material, including straw, hemp, and cotton thread10. The clogs were generally associated with the lower class11. The Samurai’s swords were normally thrust through a belt (obi) worn wrapped around the waist and tied in front12. “The main sword was slung by cords from the obi while the short sword or knife was worn through the obi13. The main sword was ALWAYS worn on the left side14. Indoors, the Samurai might dispense with his long sword, but always kept some form of weaponry on his person”15(www.samurai-achives.com/cultcat.html). With the Samurai’s hair it