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Student Declaration
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Signature: Date: 19.01.2012 A separate feedback sheet will be returned to you after your work has been graded.
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Student Comments (optional) Was the task clear? If not, how could it be improved? | | Was there sufficient time to complete the task?If not, how much time should be allowed? | | Did you need additional assistance with the assignment? | | Was the lecturer able to help you? | | Were there sufficient resources available? | | How could the assignment be improved? | | For further comments, please use the reverse of this page. |
Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation
Sidorov Nikita
Msc International Management,
Managing Operations and Finance
Prague College
References: 1. Davies, T. , 2002. Business Accounting and finance. 3rd ed. London: Financial Times Publishing. 2. Holmes, G. , 2002. Interpreting Company Report and Accounts. 5th ed. Pearson: Pearson Higher Education. 3. Roberts, c, 1998. International Financial Accounting. 1st ed. London: Financial Times Pitman Publishing. 4. Sony Corporation. 2011. Sony Corporation Annual Report. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/financial/ar/2011/. [Accessed 02 January 12]. 5. Panasonic Corporation. 2011. Panasonic Corporation Annual Report. [ONLINE] Available at:http://panasonic.net/ir/annual/. [Accessed 02 January 12].