Student Name: ____________________________________________________
Student Number: __________________________________________________
Rubric for marking: 0-4.5 5-7.5 8-10
The assignment is your opportunity to integrate concepts from the course. Use problems from the text (chapter 1 problem 4, chapter 8 problem 26 and 27, chapter 9 problem 33 and chapter 14 problems 20 and 21) to guide your information collection. You will be required to present a short synthesis of this information along with your computations to demonstrate your understanding of finance. You should regularly put some study effort into your assignment as it is designed as a comprehensive assessment piece. Consistent contributions will enable clear thinking to integrate the separate computations into a cohesive analysis.
You will be investigating and analysing an Australian company. You will need to choose an Australian Company. You can access your company details by using the free database on the JCU library website – datAnalysis - Morningstar. You will also be comparing your company’s capital structure with other companies in the sector. This is a major assessment item and is designed to require integration and synthesis of finance knowledge and practical application of theory.
Length: 2 page summary (limit of 1000 words), graphs, tables and appendices as appropriate.
Your first graduate job is as a financial analyst for an investment firm. On your first day you have been asked to write an overview of a publicly listed Australian company.
In your overview you should include the following:
1. Analyse the company's financial and market performance (you may wish to refer to the questions in Chapter 1 Problem 4 as a guide).
2. Discuss the firm's market value (you may wish to refer to information such as in Chapter 8 Problem 26 and 27).
3. Review the risk of