A description of result I have obtained during the research project.
Sales Revenue Growth:
Source: Appendix 1
MW Morrison has (2.40%) Sales Revenue Growth in 2014 .Which is worse than last year 2.56% in 2013 and 7.18% in 2012.In financial year 2013 MW Morrison has sales decline in market. Therefore the sales growth is negative in 2014.However this situation will be solved from economic rescission recovery. (Ruddick Graham,2013) wrote that Morrison suffered on 0.7pc decline in sales during the four weeks period .However Asda`s sales growth slowed by 0.9pc and Tesco sales growth rose by pc .
(Thompson Susan ,2014) added that Morrison has a problem of laid bare in the latest industry data which showed the grocers market share and overall sales in decline as a lack of online presence left it trailing .The latest grocery share figures from Kantar World panel for the 12 weeks ending January 5 2014 ,showed the Morrison suffered the most among the major supermarket with its share dropping .
In comparison Sainsbury has 2.77% sales growth in 2014 .Which is worse than last year 4.52% in 2013 and 5.64% in 2012.But Sainsbury has better sales growth than Morrison.
Gross Profit Margin
Source Appendix:1MW Morrison has 6.07% gross profit margin in 2014 .Which is worse than last year 6.66% in 2013 and 6.89% in 2012. MW Morrison has sales decline in financial year 2014 due to high competition in market .However such situation will change accordance with company strategy in future .
(Thompson Susan,2014) wrote that sales and profit at Morrison have fallen once more as the supermarket warned that its customers had yet to benefit from the improving economic picture .Britain’s fourth largest grocer delivered a worse than expected 1.6 percent decline in like for like sales in the six months to August 4 3013.
In comparison Sainsbury has 5.79% gross profit margin in 2014 .Which is better than