By Syndi Cabrera
American InterContinental University
This paper will show you the difference between two stock broker companies.
In this day and age there are many stock exchange companies and it is difficult to know which company is the best to fit your specific needs. Today we are going to concentrate on two different stock exchange companies; NYSE and NASDAQ. These two companies seem to be very well known in the stock exchange industry and this is the reason that we are only going to be concentrating on them.
The NYSE, New York Stock Exchange, takes their corporate responsibility to a high importance. They are the world’s leading provider of the end to end electronic trading solutions. They deliver products and solutions from trading post positions and are able to complete enterprise platforms. The NYSE uses the best software available with high performance connectivity to connect with their contacts in the global trading community. They are able to ensure universal access to the network and facilities to the leading markets. They are able to deliver the best products by using the world class technology.
The NASDAQ is the inventor of electronic exchange. They are able to fuel the economy by being able to provide great technologies for the lifecycle of the trading business. They are able to own and operate 26 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories. The technology they have is able to power over seventy market places in about fifty countries and it is why they are able to process over a million messages per second. That is just superb.
There is not much of a difference between the NYSE and NASDAQ. They both are out to increase the liquidity on the exchanges that they provide and more effective and efficient trading. The
References: Bistros, Stephanie (2012). Retrieved from website Welsh, Peter L. (August 8, 2012). The Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002: Public Markets and Government. Retrieved from website