Word Count: 1961
MSc in Finance & Management Programme 2012/2013
Financial Markets, Regulation and Ethics
Term 2
Ethics in Finance
This assessment is all my own work and conforms to the University’s regulations on plagiarism | | An identical copy of this document has been submitted to the Turnitin system | |
Hoople Consultants has won a contract to provide engineering advice and support to a city in a developing country. The contract is funded by an international aid bank but is administered by the local officials. The Hoople team is led by Marcella. One day she is asked to go and see the manager of the local client team. The manager says that he and his deputy would like to go on a study tour of the UK so that they and their team can be in a better position to understand more about Hoople. The local manager points out to Marcella that they don’t have the funds to do this so they would like to pay for it through the project. The best way to do this would be for Marcella to pay for all the flights and accommodation and provide some money for meals etc. Marcella can invoice all this through the contract by enhancing the hours billed and the manager will approve it.
Applying the CFA ethical code and any other suitable framework, make a practical recommendation for Marcella .
The local client team wants to visit UK to understand Hoople Consultants better. This is acceptable because, the local team will be interacting with Hoople for a long time, until the project is completed. This trip would make them acquainted with Hoople Consultants better and can in the process they can understand the working, the working methods, the technology used and several other factors of Hoople consultants, which the local team would be exposed to in the future and this will make them better prepared.
However, the solution the local client team is proposing is wrong because, Marcella cannot invoice the expenses by inflating the bills as